Cie Ecco - Eve Chariatte

SUONS! (2019) : Nowadays, an artist, like other workers, runs after time and the many tasks to be accomplished to make his trade viable. Through different explorations of production modes, three dancers will be busy making sweat. This sweat will be collected, drop by drop, in a small bottle. The question then arises as to the value given to this collective sweat produced in front of the audience. Could this liquid, which is similar to dirt, be transformed into a luxury product with high added value? Driven by this question, the dancers will seek, through their practice, to understand the mechanisms of speculation and to play with them. SUONS! brings together artists and spectators around the issues of the representations of work and the production of value. >>> + a teaser here >>> + more info here
This performance went : to Porrentruy, Delémont, Bienne, La Chaux-de-Fonds, and Moutier (CH).
(blue photo: Water ballet - Splash L. Simmons, other photos: G. Lachat, P. Montavon)