Cie des corps parlants - Mathilde Monfreux

- La grande ours (2019) : From the Tale of the Bear, taken from Blood and guts in High School by Kathy Acker. Sea ice, animal skins, fluorescent costumes, for a cosmic and comic trip. >>> + more info here >>> + a teaser here >>> тие the sea ice here
NEXT (2017) : A factory of Mitsis (mitsi = soft sculptures by Elizabeth Saint-Jalmes). Five bodies, supple and liberated or deformed and bloated to excess, are busy pushing moving emptying filling transforming. They galvanize themselves with action and repetition. An underground, visceral and joyful trance. >>> + more info here >>> + a teaser here
These performances went (in bulk): to Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Nice, Bourges, Paris, and Berlin.
(photos : E. Saint-Jalmes, E. Pouzet, Xiao, P. Gondard, A.S. Popon)